how to : feel the funk
Have you ever been in a funk so long, you’ve forgotten you’re in a funk?
Me, last week.
I’ll back up a bit.
Before my brain injury, I was able to push through most anything. I had periods of less-motivation and periods of hyper-motivation. Even in my lesser motivated times, I was able to push my through the funk (I’m defining a “funk” as a low-motivation, low-energy, “meh” feeling) until it passed.
I’ve tried to keep that approach (unsuccessfully) since my brain injury, but I don’t have the cognitive endurance to push very long these days.
In many ways, it feels like I’ve been in a funk for two years. I’ve become numb to this funk, because it’s just part of my survival these days.
I discovered my funk over the last week. I was frustrated that I was so far behind on my workload, even with only taking on less than 50% of my old workload. I was extremely fatigued. I was feeling stressed, worn out, and so far behind I wanted to give up.
so I took some time off, moved a lot of my commitments off my plate for a few days, and rested.
If you’re reading this and thinking, Why on earth would you do THAT? Isn’t that just more stressful?
I understand where you are coming from! I used to think that way, too.
What I’ve learned in the last couple of years is that I need to find ways to reconnect with myself when I feel funky.
I’m sharing one of these ways with you today.
What animals inspire you?
A dear friend shared with me today that she spotted a giant wolf on her daily walk by the lake. She described how the wolf was running freely, saw humans, and hunkered down into the reeds. Her story got me thinking about how animals are so much like us . . . without all of the human complications!
I used to think my favorite animal was a 𝗳𝗼𝘅, because I was born with this name — but today the animal that most inspires me is a 𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗻.
Today’s mindful minute is a simple tool to use your imagination to help you through your funk.
Try it, right now. Whatever you’re doing, take one minute to do this exercise.
Remember that you can always download the slide and save it to your phone (when we’re stressed, we will not naturally remember to be mindful!).
Today’s mindful minute exercise is to use your imagination to get out of a funk.
I love my dolphin necklace from Gorjana because it reminds me to tap in to my water-loving, slightly quirky, playful self.
My dolphin necklace is a reminder to be 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗳𝘂𝗹.
Gorjana’s new line offers this intention:
“Your spirit animal holds qualities that could help you navigate through life with more confidence and ease. The Dolphin represents harmony and joy.”
I embrace any reminder I can find to help me to stop + let go of human complications to be most myself: a little quirky, playful, cautiously wild, and free.
I’m wearing some of Gorjana’s classic styles in this photo!
Parker Gem Necklace in Turquoise
Parker Wrap Necklace
Dolphin Totem Necklace
Amara Ring Set
I’m grateful to partner with Gorjana to help others discover which animal they connect with most. Check out their beautiful jewelry by clicking this button!
Disclosure: as a Gorjana partner, I will receive a commission on purchases made through this link. Thank you for your support of this blog!
Now that you have practiced the tool . . .
What do you notice?
Try to answer without judgement. Whatever you notice is simply what you noticed; it’s not right, wrong, or indifferent.
Can you make a reminder to yourself to do this once a day this week??