Love Your Brain Mindset: Free Online Program for Brain Injury Community
What keeps you going when things get tough?
I have been struggling the past couple of weeks. Between covid, family concerns, career challenges, learning new skills, undergoing medical testing, trying new treatments, and several other (stressful) things, I’m finding myself grasping for motivation.
Can you relate?
I realized this evening that my community keeps me going when life gets tough. I have incredible people in my life who support me, encourage me, accept me as I am, and look out for me. Including all of you!! I’m very lucky.
I also remembered this evening that in order for my community to support me, I need to be open about what is going on.
This is me taking the step to acknowledge that I’m struggling, and simply let it be. I know that it will pass.
I’d love to hear what helps you through difficult times. Comment or message me!
exciting announcement
I’ve been open about my experience with traumatic brain injury, and have connected with countless people also affected. Two weeks ago, in honor of National Concussion Awareness Day, I dedicated a blog post to educate and support. You can read it by clicking the button below.
Love your brain foundation
One of my favorite resources is the community of the Love Your Brain Foundation. I’ve shared some of my experiences with the LYB family on this blog and on social media, but it’s impossible to express how much LYB has helped me move forward through my recovery.
Through my attendance in the free, in-person yoga program last summer, the retreat last fall, the yoga teacher training this winter, and the pilot run of an online program this summer, I have grown so much and found so much support.
I am ecstatic to announce that I will be facilitating a section of the new online Mindset program, beginning 10/23!
The LYB programs have helped me so much and it’s an honor to give back to the community.
Pre Covid, leading a brain-friendly meditation.
Will you help me, please?
I would love your help getting the word out on this free program!
Please share this program with your circle of friends. You may not know someone directly affected by traumatic brain injury, but odds are that someone you know, does!
The Online Mindset program is completely free for people affected by TBI. A short application is all that is required to begin.
There are two programs:
Discussion group: is discussion only (with yoga, meditation, and education materials online for self-paced work). The commitment is a 45-minute Zoom call, once a week for six weeks. I am facilitating this option on Fridays at 11am EST.
Yoga with discussion group: this program will receive all online materials for self-paced work, and meet for 75 minutes weekly for six weeks.
Both programs are incredible. Please share this resource!
What if I haven’t been affected by TBI but want to help?
Amazing! You can learn more about LYB and consider supporting them here. Just click the button below!
My arts and crafts project from the LYB retreat: a visual representation of my injury (back view not shown).
When times get tough, I turn to my community.
The LYB community is welcoming, accepting, and empowering. They have been such a support to me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
What do you do when times get tough?