six months : a tale of a unicorn dream
We are officially halfway through with 2020, yet it feels like a whole year…
Six months ago today, I launched this blog and published my first post.
Two weeks before that, I gathered thirty of my favorite people to do a photoshoot for the launch.
I miss these beautiful humans SO MUCH!!
One week before that, I shared my “unicorn brainstorm” idea with a group of incredible ladies as we got clear on our goals for 2020.
Such good memories from Powerhouse Women’s Clarity & Goals session!
My unicorn dream was waaaay out there…
And scared the heck out of me.
But saying it loud was a huge step forward.
My unicorn dream?
To start this blog ✅
Feature inspiring humans ✅
Write about what I LOVE ✅
Be consistent ✅
Connect with people and let them know they are not alone in their struggles ✅
Be featured by lululemon, release my own lululemon capsule, have Taylor Swift see it and become my friend, and accompany her on tour as her movement specialist. (Still working on these.)
These people are my 💗 Can’t believe it’s been six months since this pic!
today, reflecting on the past six months and celebrating the wins was essential.
Even though 2020 has not been the way I planned, I’m taking time to recognize and celebrate the steps along the way.
I encourage you to do the same. 💗
thank you for being here!
Even though we can’t be together now, know that you are LOVED!