“v” is for values
We have a lot to get to today . . .
But first, I can’t wait any longer to announce my first in-person event in ages!
Don’t worry, this event is extremely limited in size in order to maintain physical distancing (masks required, too).
Read on!
Do you need a little time to RESTORE your body, mind, and soul before the holidays?
Us, too! That’s why we created an intimate, socially distanced wellness experience designed to help you take care of YOU: because you deserve it. Does that sound like the perfect fit for you? Great! Keep reading for more info.
The Details:
Reserve your spot (only six spots available) for Drip + Dream
Invite a friend or family member to join you or attend solo!
Because space is limited, a non-refundable $10 deposit is required to save your space.
Our Drip + Dream event takes place Sunday, November 15 at 2pm. Arrive early to register + go through medical clearance with Restore’s RN (Pro Tip: we recommend you stop by earlier in the week to do this!).
Masks are required and physical distance is supported.
Pick the IV Drip of your choice and receive 50% off!
Settle in to the private drip room at Restore (complete with loungers and massage chairs + gentle lighting for maximal bliss).
Dr Mallory Fox will lead you through a rejuvenating meditation while you drip.
Drip + Dream will take place at Restore Hyper Wellness at Scottsdale Road and Loop 101.
Snacks + drinks provided.
Your purchase simply saves a space (1 of 6) for the Drip + Dream experience. You will be responsible for the cost of your IV Drip of choice and you will receive 50% off of the retail price of your drip.
If you’d like to join, click the button below!
“v” is for values
Here in the USA, we are nearing our presidential election. Historically I have hated the political circus. I’ve gone out of my way previous years to avoid all political talk because I found it stressful.
The experiences I’ve had the last couple years have helped me to see that ignoring/refusing to talk about a national election is privilege.
It’s a privilege so many people do not have. It’s my responsibility to vote for the values I want to see. While prepping for today’s article, I see-sawed on whether or not to share this.
I share because I believe that this is not a political discussion; this is a human discussion.
It’s voting season. Consider voting in alignment with your values. Your vote matters.
A simple sentence from last week’s presidential debate has stayed with me: “What is on the ballot here is the character of the country.”
These words, spoken by former VP Joe Biden, inspired me to dig deep into my core values. These values make up my character. The character of this country is shaped by our collective value system.
Let that sink in for a moment.
In the past I thought I needed to pick candidates who were perfect. I wanted candidates who said exactly what I believed and what my parents/church/social circle preached. Or, I simply voted down the party line that I grew up with.
Now, I realize that the “perfect candidate” is the one who most closely aligns with my values.
My core values are equity (each human is inherently valuable and worthy, regardless of body size, skin color, geographical location, abilities, age, gender, bank account, etc), courageous authenticity (has the difficult conversations, admits when wrong, asks for help when struggling), radical respect (for all), unconditional love (for all), and inherent belonging (for all).
Not talking politics before was easy—because apathy is easy. Not being accountable is easy. Not having to make a decision is easy.
What’s hard is having integrity. What’s hard is waking up to the reality we face as Americans, and the future for our children.
What’s hard is showing up.
BUT WE CAN DO HARD THINGS... I’ve seen you all do hard things.
If you’re still unsure about voting in this election, it’s okay to be scared, hesitant, to feel confused, to feel anxious. But please don’t be apathetic.
Be a part of something. It won’t be easy. Get on the internet, educate yourself on ballot measures, read how your representatives would represent issues that matter to you.
Lockdown in coronavirus burst my privilege bubble. It gave me the opportunity to realize that many of our systems are broken. In Arizona, our leadership failed at many points—on a national level, our leadership has failed at many points.
Next Tuesday’s election is so much more than a Trump vs. Biden race ... it’s human rights, it’s climate change, it’s the economy, it’s navigating coronavirus, it’s education and it’s war. It’s literally our future. And the future is in our hands.
I have already cast my ballot; I recognize that many have not.
I am not telling you who or what to vote for, but I do have a request:
Please take some time this week to reflect on your core values.
Today’s mindful minute is a brief outline to help you establish your core values. Our core values can shift over time; mine have changed drastically in the last four years.
Our nation is divided to a point I don’t think we’ve seen since the Civil War. We need leaders willing to have difficult conversations, willing to learn from experts, willing to come to the table to compromise, and willing to put others needs over their own egos.
Earlier this week I listened to a fantastic podcast on power in leadership. Dr Brené Brown has studied leadership for years, and had a lot to share. You can listen to the recording here.
What are your core values?
Today’s mindful minute is a simple tool to get curious about our core values.
Try it, right now. Whatever you’re doing, take one minute to do this exercise.
At times, our values shift. We may experience changes, or have new awareness around what’s important. Feel free to download the slide and save it to your phone to revisit it daily this week.
Today’s mindful minute exercise is to get curious about our core values.
Now that you have practiced the tool . . .
What do you notice?
Try to answer without judgement. Whatever you notice is simply what you noticed; it’s not right, wrong, or indifferent.
Can you make a reminder to yourself to do this once a day this week??