mindful rest : a pause for your eyes
How often Do you think about your eyes?
Two years ago I learned how vital eye health is. I’d had 20/20 vision my whole life. Then after a traumatic brain injury, I had a sudden onset of visual disturbances.
After seeing a specialist I found out my left eye was testing legally blind. I was 32 years old + suddenly life was uncertain.
Fortunately, my doctor believed I would be able to get my sight back. I attended vision therapy weekly for a year. I have done daily vision homework for the last two years. Today was my one-year checkup after graduating from vision therapy. I did well, but will need to follow up with my doctor in three months.
I’ve learned a lot about eye hygiene through vision therapy. Immediately after my injury, my occupational therapist had me put my cell phone on night mode to minimize harsh light for my eyes. Who knew that could help?
Now, I wear blue light blocking eyeglasses on the computer (as recommended by my optometrist!) I love my new Blenders blue light blockers. They help me avoid eye strain + lessen migraines while I build back my business.
I was able to get a discount for my readers! If you are interested in these blue light blockers (or any of their adorable and functional sunglasses) you can shop by clicking the button below.
Use code PARTNER15 to save 15%!
Working with my new blue light blockers from Blenders Eyewear.
Disclosure: if you choose to purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission. Your purchases allow me to offer free mindfulness and movement through this platform. Thank you for your support!
Mindful rest to help your eyes
Today’s mindful minute is dedicated to Dr Gong and her team at Accent Eye Care and Sports Vision Therapy for giving me my independence back!
Today’s mindful minute is a simple tool to diminish eye strain and give our eyes a much-needed break from intricate tasks.
Try it, right now. Whatever you’re doing, take one minute to do this exercise.
Remember that you can always download the slide and save it to your phone (when we’re stressed, we will not naturally remember to be mindful!).
Today’s mindful minute exercise is to STOP
Now that you have practiced the tool . . .
What do you notice?
Try to answer without judgement. Whatever you notice is simply what you noticed; it’s not right, wrong, or indifferent.
Can you make a reminder to yourself to do this once a day this week??