jump into january in a different way
The backstory
From the time I was a little girl, I’ve had an “all or nothing” mentality. I was fortunate to have piano and voice lessons, sing in choirs, perform in musical theater, swim competitively, and do well in school.
I devoted all of my time and energy to my hobbies, because I needed to be the best.
A drawback to this approach was when faced with learning a new skill, I didn’t give myself much time or grace to learn it.
Drawing, dance, and tennis are a few examples of things I tried and quit quickly. Yoga and mindfulness are examples of things I’ve tried, quit, tried again, quit again, and continued to cycle through over 15 years in an attempt to develop a stress reduction program.
Have you ever done that?
In my professional career, I’ve found that there is a variety of reasons why people don’t achieve their goals:
they had unrealistic expectations (especially related to amount of time or length of time to cultivate new habits)
real life events caused hiccups or roadblocks
they were trying to achieve what someone else wanted them to do / their heart wasn’t in it
I relate most to having unrealistic expectations. How about you?
Don’t forget to text MINDFUL for a free daily text message to help you build consistency in your own mindfulness practice!
Building a mindfulness practice takes time, consistency, patience, and a willingness to start again. I was able to develop a mindfulness practice after my brain injury, when I couldn’t physically do much and meditation helped make me more comfortable.
Because of my experience, I wanted to create a challenge that focuses on the process not the results.
Since we are on the verge of New Year’s resolutions, January fitness challenges, and all the other craziness around the corner, I created a challenge focused on mind, body, and soul wellness in just one minute a day.
Sound doable? Keep reading!
Ready for an anti-typical challenge? Well+Being is focused on body-mind-soul health, not hitting a number on a scale.
The challenge: everything you need to know
Six days a week in January, I’ll publish a one-minute video exercise focused on mind, body, or soul.
On Fridays, I’ll publish a bonus interview with a well-being expert to fuel your thoughts and learn about aspects of wellness.
The prizes
Consistency is key, so I’m offering weekly prizes for those most consistent! Additional information on how to enter the weekly drawings will be available January 1.
I’m also offering a fabulous grand prize for one local resident (details to come soon, but it involves a once in a lifetime Lululemon shopping experience!) and a $100 lululemon gift card for another winner. Additional information on how to enter for the grand prizes will be available January 1.
The calendar
I’ve created a calendar to support you in this challenge. Just click the button below to download your copy.
How to enroll in the challenge
To enroll, text WELLBEING to 480-531-9810 ! If you’re on a mobile phone, simply click the button below to initiate a text, and send WELLBEING my way.
Important: if you already receive my daily mindful minute, you will still need to text WELLBEING.
Ask here! I’m so excited to host this challenge and see you grow. Thank you for being here.