FF: Meet Jesse Holland, adventurer + inspiring human
set humongous goals
Jesse truly practices what he preaches!
You are in for a treat today. The person I am going to introduce today is magical. Jesse is an inspiring person + a passionate professional. While he has an incredible resume (including leading adventure travel, being a lululemon ambassador with me, conquering fitness feats and helping others to do the same, overcoming back injuries and changing his entire life to now thriving and doing what he loves), what I love the most about Jesse is his heart for people.
What is your name???
Jesse Holland
Where can we find you?
When I am not on a mountain Guiding or climbing, you know I am in the gym. @jessehollandfitness #Follow_Jesse
What lights you up inside?
Nothing gives me greater joy than being part of someone seeing something in themselves that they didn’t even know they had, or could do!
10 Things! Respond with the first answer that pops into your head.
· I love…New lululemon gear right out the bag!
· Favorite way to connect with friends...Is through sweating on a mountain, in a workout, a yoga session, or a community event.
· I am the best in the world at...Being my true authentic self!
· My favorite insta follow is...lululemonMen
· Favorite way to sweat...is a fun run in the sun at high noon!
· A book I love is....Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
· My biggest unicorn dream is to...Climb the Seven Summits of the world and to become a lululemon Elite Global Ambassador
· I serve my community by...hosting a hike at Sunrise on Saturday mornings at Pinnacle Peak Park.
· The one thing I can't live without is...Time to travel in my life. Traveling around the world has opened my eyes in ways I can not even describe.
· My favorite lululemon item is...Any of my joggers, but probably my engineered warmth joggers!
What do you like most about your favorite lululemon product?
I love that my engineered warmth joggers and jacket hug to my body like they were made just for me! At the same time they still give me the comfort to move in any activity!
Edit: We love that. If you want to shop Jesse’s favorite joggers, including the Engineered Warmth Jogger and the ever-popular ABC Jogger, click HERE! (As a member of the lululemon collective, I will receive a commission on purchases made through this link.)
Tell us about this one thing you can't live without!
The adventures that I guide around the world have allowed me to see the beauty of the world outside of a textbook, up close and personal! Nothing makes me feel more alive than an adventure around the globe! No matter if I am guiding through the Andes to Machu Picchu, or hiking with a team to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, or climbing Mount Aconcogua in Argentina every travel adventure makes me reinvigorated with life and joy to spread to others!
Edit: If you want to travel with Jesse and experience once-in-a-lifetime trips centered around crushing a huge goal, find out more HERE! It is on my bucket list once I am medically cleared.
How do you practice kindness to your body?
One way I practice kindness to my body everyday is through my self care regiment. I work mobility on a daily basis and follow that up with cryo and hot sauna therapy. This one of the few ways I work to regenerate the body and show kindness for what it allows me to do.
What else do you want to share with our community?
After my back injury that lead to my back surgery and a year long recovery process, I want share with others my journey to show them possibilities. I want to share my passion for movement and health. I want to share my passion for seeing others around me succeed!
Although I haven’t known Jesse long, he has already impacted my life in a huge way! I am honored to have him in my circle.
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Thanks for reading. xoxo.