Meet Alyssa Wilson, founder of Feather + Cove
The woman I get to introduce you to today may as well be known as superwoman…
Meet Alyssa wilson of feather + Cove!
Alyssa Wilson is one of the many reasons I love lululemon. I first met Alyssa years ago; she was an educator at my local lululemon store.
While I have made many friends at my (sometimes daily) visits to lululemon, Alyssa stands out: she radiates warmth, positivity, and genuine caring.
She is multi-talented and uses her platform to inspire, support, and spread love. She does a killer braid, has photographed countless key aspects of my life and career, always knows how to style the latest trends, and has a knack for making things warm + homey.
She creates beautiful bracelets and regularly donates proceeds to charity.
I just love her and know you will, too.
Meet Alyssa!
Where can we find you?
Follow me on Instagram:
@alyssamaywilson @featherandcove

What lights you up inside?
My family, being creative + seeing people who I have in some way inspired, impacted or love my jewelry :)
10 Things! Respond with the first answer that pops into your head.
· I love… Stogie {My French Bulldog}
· Favorite way to connect with friends... happy hour or coffee
· I am the best in the world at... Being Brooks mama
· My favorite insta follow is... I have so many - basically anyone keeping it real + showing mama life
· Favorite way to sweat... spin!
· A book I love is.... The Circle Maker also any mystery novel
· My biggest unicorn dream is to... Be able to work Feather + Cove full time + sell my jewelry in stores
· I serve my community by... Connecting with others
· The one thing I can't live without is... Coffee + Jesus
· My favorite lululemon item is... Wunder Train - NEW FAVVV
What do you like most about your favorite lululemon product?
They hold me in + I can wear them for whatever life throws at me :)
Note: I echo this 1000% these tights DO IT ALL
Tell us about this one thing you can't live without!
First off - Jesus! Because let’s be honest, I can’t take credit for any of this. Always giving him all the glory + I seek him in my struggles.
Second coffee!! My go to Starbucks order: Grande iced americano - in a Venti size cup with extra ice. Sometimes if I’m feeling fancy I may add sweet cream or toffee nut :)
How do you practice kindness to your body?
I repeat positive affirmations + I remember that this body allowed me to bring the most important thing in my life to this world.
What else do you want to share with our community?
I am a new mama, lululemon leader + just recently launched my jewelry business Feather + Cove. Feather + Cove's mission is to be an encouraging space to not only treat yourself with cute clothing + accessories, but to remind you that God's got your back + share His love.
Shortly after having my sweet boy in August 2019, I really wanted to create a passion project for myself that would not only fill up my cup but fill up other women's cups as well.
I want to encourage women that even in a new phase of life when everything feels new + exciting or uncomfortable + scary, you can find your peace + comfort in Jesus. Oh + wearing pretty jewelry along the way of course! "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." Psalm 91:4
Not only is this supporting my passions, but I pray this will remind you of Gods love + be a space you can show yourself some love as well.
alyssa has such a huge heart for others and I know that shines through this screen. Please give her a follow, shop feather + cove, and say hi to her at lululemon when stores are open again!