nurturing your intuition : three tips to listen + trust yourself
I might have been thinking about marshmallows here…
Another mindful Monday 🥳
Hi friends!
I want to thank you, so much, for the kind words, the encouragement, and the feedback on my Friday post (click to read if you missed it). Your support means the world to me, and reminds me of why I speak out:
I am not alone in this.
My main motivation for this blog is to share transparently so that others know they are not alone, either.
Its been such a heavy time for me personally and for so many people I know. If you need an ear, I’m here.
today’s mindful tip is designed to help cultivate your intuition
Intuition is defined by the New American Oxford Dictionary as “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”
We all naturally have intuition; whether we are able to access it, listen to it, and trust it are a work in progress! These three simple tips will help you to practice until it becomes second-nature.
1. Make time
Any time we need to change a behavior, we have to make time and space for the desired behavior. In our busy lives, visual reminders (like a post it note or a reminder in a calendar) can be a real game changer!
Last year while recovering from my brain injury, my therapist had me schedule a time, mid-day, to check in with myself. It was a simple, yet powerful action that helped me to make better choices rather than try to power through my symptoms.
2. take time
Have you ever crammed something new into your schedule by paring it with another task, like brushing your teeth or making your bed?
Me too.
This tip is to not multi-task it.
You have scheduled your time to check in; now we want to bring in our mindful toolbox (click to read this post on how to make one of your own!) and practice being in the moment as we tune in to our inner guidance.
You may realize that your intuition is not as quiet as you thought!
3. allow time
Honestly, this is my least favorite tip. When I make a change, I want to see the effects right now. Who can relate?
Often, especially with these types of changes, they take TIME. A lot of time.
In fact, I’ve found that my intuition doesn’t always pop up when I want it to. It usually decides to clear its throat and say, “Excuse me, ma’am,” when I am least inclined to listen. Like when I had my post for Friday typed, proofed, and ready to hit “publish…” and finally realized I needed to PIVOT and change course entirely.
What is great about the process of listening, learning, and practicing patience is that the small, quiet “ahem” will get louder and louder the more you listen to it.
That is my experience, at least.
I would love to hear your experiences!
Please send me a message or leave a comment. As always, thank you for reading! I’ll be posting my Mindful Minute exercise on instagram shortly. Instagram is linked below!
Also, you can always click on my Mindful Minute stories highlight if you need a few moments of zen!