Meet Taylor Wray of Taylor Wray Yoga
Some of my original lemonLOVES on International Women’s Day 2018 🍋 💛
happy Friday, friends!
In preparation for this week’s feature, I got to dig through some photo archives and came up with this gem.
Memory post brain injury is a funny thing. Some of my memories are easily accessible, some I cannot forget no matter how hard I try (like the day of my accident), and some fall into the abyss of oblivion. Fortunately, gentle reminders like a picture, words, or something as simple as “I met you at a lululemon event in March of 2018” can greatly aid me in recalling the memory.
If you knew me pre brain injury, you have probably been jarred by my change in memory as I had a fantastic near-photographic memory. Through speech therapy, I’ve been able to regain some of it and learn memory tips. So I am extremely grateful when someone graciously reminds me that we met before, at this function, and acknowledge that it has been awhile.
Which, by the way, is exactly how this feature came to be!
A couple months before my accident, I was invited to an exclusive event in celebration of International Women’s Day, hosted by lululemon Scottsdale Quarter.
No details were given as to what to expect, and for a control freak like me, way out of my comfort zone!
However, since I really will do anything for lululemon, I jumped right in.
I was instructed to drive into the desert and would be met there by the group I’d be spending the day with. When I arrived (forty minutes early, because that’s how I roll), I had a lot of nervous energy. I used to call that anxiety, but I’ve since learned that there is a big difference between nerves, feeling anxious, and having anxiety.
Soon, I was joined by ten other women. We got into a van, driven by a stranger, and drove off into the literal desert (dirt road and all).
Kidnappers, if you’re reading this, a promise of lululemon will work every time.
We were surprised with an incredible lunch set up in the desert by Cloth + Flame.
We enjoyed an afternoon of fellowship, connection, and celebration. Through deep conversation, I got to know this incredible human who you will meet today.
I felt connected to her quickly; we are both quiet, soft-spoken, and tend to listen more than we speak.
When it was her turn to share, she blew me away with her bravery, authenticity, and kindness.
We lost touch after that day (I had my accident, Taylor went through difficult times of her own), and recently reconnected in the modern way: Instagram DMs. I’m so happy we have reconnected, because her story is powerful and deserves to be heard!
Taylor shows up in a big way for the world. She is a yoga teacher, a self development facilitator, fiancé, dog mom, friend, and so much more. Most importantly, Taylor lives to help those around her find their own purpose.
She is an incredible human and I’m so happy you get to know her a bit here. Be sure to follow her on insta and listen to her podcast!
Meet Taylor Wray!!
Taylor living her best life, facilitating yoga teacher development.
Where can we connect with you?
Find me IG @taylor_wrayyoga and :)
What lights you up inside?
What lights me up inside is witnessing other people live their life on purpose! I know how horrible it feels to allow my fears to hold me back from creating a life I truly love...and now with the work I do in the world, I absolutely LOVE being a part of someones journey as they step outside of their comfort zone, make space for fear, discover their purpose and live a life they love!
The Yoga Teacher Circle ❤️
10 Things! Respond with the first answer that pops into your head.
• I love… my fiance', my dogs and chocolate (definitely can't just pick one)
• Favorite way to connect with friends... yoga and coffee dates
• I am the best in the world at... creating a safe and loving community! I lovvvve bringing people together through community and raw genuine connection. I've been told before that I am like a matchmaker for best friends! I've seen so many beautiful friendships form throughout my yoga retreats and yoga teacher trainings. It warms my heart so much!
• My favorite insta follow is... @offthemat because they truly represent what living yoga off the mat means and talk about the hard things that other people shy away from
• Favorite way to sweat... is during a fiery vinyasa flow yoga practice!
• A book I love is.... The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle. This was the very first book I read that opened my eyes up to the world of spirituality at 15 years old. Such a powerful book!
• My biggest unicorn dream is to... hmmm, how do I choose only one?! I have many so I'll name a own a yoga retreat center in Costa Rica, to live on a ranch with my partner, our future children, 10 rescue dogs and other farm animals and to host yoga teacher trainings around the world!
• I serve my community by... holding space for others to dig deep into themselves...through yoga, meditation, mindfulness and deep self inquiry. I lead 200 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings, yoga retreats and continuing education workshops for yoga teachers. I love to serve my community through the online space with my Yoga Teacher Circle Podcast and FB group.
• The one thing I can't live without is... dogs!
• My favorite lululemon item is... my lulu yoga mat!
What do you like most about your favorite lululemon product?
I LOVE my lulu mat because it has lasted me over ten years and I don't slip on it at all! It's the best!
Note from Mallory: if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
Tell us about this one thing you can't live without!
I can't live without dogs because they are pure love!! And the cutest things in the world. But they also are like therapy to me...anytime I feel sad, low, anxious they cheer me up and remind me to be present. And of course because they love to cuddle and make me laugh!
Dogs are the best!
How do you practice kindness to your body?
By honoring it when it needs to slow down, listening deeply and nourishing it with high vibrational foods. I use meditation, movement, physical therapy and craniosacral therapy (which works directly with my nervous system to heal past trauma, stress, anxiety and depression).
Yoga is self care.
What else do you want to share with our community?
Working with yoga teachers is my absolute favorite. I have a few different ways to connect with teachers and would love for you to join me!
200 hour YTT program begins October 3rd -Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training (held online) Sep 26-27
My brand new Yoga Teacher Circle talk about ALL things related to teaching yoga!
Free private Yoga Teacher Circle Facebook group to connect!
And...A Yoga and Service Retreat to Peru next July, 2021!
Yes. This!
I had the honor of appearing on Taylor’s recent episode of the Yoga Teacher Circle Podcast. Taylor’s authentic, connected way of being lends itself beautifully to hosting elevating, vulnerable conversations.
Please subscribe to her podcast (even if you don’t teach yoga!) and consider listening to our episode. I’ll link it below!
Thanks as always for being here!