Meet Lexy Komichak of Lex.Live.Lux
get ready for a giant, warm hug coming your way today.
The woman I’m featuring today gives the best hugs, which I very much miss!!
One of the things I love most about this woman is her ability to make people feel seen, heard, and understood.
I am lucky to know her as a friend, adopted sister, loving yoga teacher, and as a powerful professional.
She is kind, generous, and devoted to her friends and family. She is so special! So special, in fact, that I asked her to take over my Instagram today because I want you to be able to feel her kindness and sweetness for yourself.
I know that you will want to get to know her better, so I’ve included her info below so you can follow her on Instagram, check out her new website, and consult her for all of your real estate needs!!
Meet Lexy Komichak!
Where can we connect with you?
Instagram business:
Instagram personal: @live.laugh.lexy
What lights you up inside?
Hugs, Tacos, Yoga, Wine, being JOYFUL, traveling, and connecting with Nature
10 Things! Respond with the first answer that pops into your head.
• I love… life! but, like, really really love life & all the beautiful things it has brought me & continues to provide.
• Favorite way to connect with friends... over wine ;)
• I am the best in the world at... HUGGING
• My favorite insta follow is... @vybesource because we all need a reminder to connect & trust the journey
• Favorite way to sweat... hiking or yoga
• A book I love is.... The 4 Agreements
• My biggest unicorn dream is to... Buy a House on an island in the Mediterranean & own a yoga studio overlooking the ocean
• I serve my community by... being myself & sharing my time & energy with my community
• The one thing I can't live without is... coffee & meditation (it's a combo ;) )
• My favorite lululemon item is... my yoga mat!
What do you like most about your favorite lululemon product?
Love that its perfect for my power vinyasa practice & I don't need a towel to keep me grounded even when I'm sweating.
If you make a purchase through this link, you will be supporting the upkeep of this blog and lemonLOVES mission to bring free mindfulness and wellbeing tools to all. Thank you for your support!
Tell us about this one thing you can't live without!
Meditation - My meditation practice has become a non-negotiable for me. Creating space for myself to connect to the universe, to source, and to manifest beauty in my life is something I cannot start my day without. I'm beyond grateful to the path my Meditation Coach/Mentor Al Fuentes (@the.alfuentes) has guided me towards. The magic my eyes & soul have been opened to because of it has been truly life changing 💗
Coffee: well... I feel like that is self-explanatory. Love supporting @lumibean (a local coffee company) as well as multiple local coffee shops throughout the Valley, but most in Scottsdale, AZ.
I think she may be savoring coffee here! Lexy constantly posts photos of such beautiful homes on Instagram.
How do you practice kindness to your body?
I have a morning routine that allows me to serve myself daily before giving myself to my clients/business & friends.
I start with a morning reiki & meditation & channel writing, a walk with my pup, and a morning workout, then my favorite... coffee. When I feel less connected to source, I will take an evening or an afternoon to just read & relax, and get re-centered so I can be the best version of myself for others.
Self love is the best love. 💗
What else do you want to share with our community?
I'm a lover of life. I enjoy bringing out the best in myself & others.
In my career as a real estate agent, I love seeing my clients win and get excited about something I love & am so incredibly passionate about. Bringing heart to real estate is not what every agent is able to do, but I take it & run!
I'm grateful every single day for my past, current, and future clients who become my friends, my cheerleaders, and advocates!
There is nothing more special than the final hug when I get to hand them their keys, and wish them all the happiness and wonderful times to be had in their new home :)
Because of this heart-forward approach, I was ranked as the #10 agent for North&Co for all of 2019! An honor I couldn't even believe as it doesn't seem like work, but simply wonderful interactions where I get to parter with and take care of people I love, then see them blossom in their new home!
Also, I recently launched my new website that I'm super excited about! My new website highlights who I am and how I am different from every other agent in the valley.
Seriously, I have found my dream team to work with, and support from the most amazing humans in the world. I am beyond blessed for everything in my life, including you, Mallory!
All the hugs to everyone <3
Before you go . . .
Lexy is guest teaching yoga on Instagram live for Baptiste Power Yoga Phoenix!! You will love Lexy’s class. Tune in to Lexy’s Instagram or Baptiste Power Yoga Phoenix Instagram at 9am PST tomorrow (Saturday, 8/22!).