You know, the one that deep down, you know you are meant to achieve.
The one that is exciting, scary, and seems like a huge task you don’t even know how or where to start.
The one that is always in the background of your mind and sometimes keeps you up at night.
You might be waiting for the right time to do it.
You may not know if you can do it.
You may be comparing yourself to others who are doing it/have done it/plan to do it.
You may even convince yourself that you don’t want to do it, because how on earth can you fit one more thing into your busy, full life?
For me, “it” was teaching an online course.
I put it off for eons because “I don’t have time” or “I need to take more courses first” or “I don’t know what I want to teach” and I had this fear of “what if no one wants what I have to offer.”
I had a few of the big scary goals: Writing a book, launching a course, learning a new language, even cleaning out my closet are all things that require routines (think of a bunch of small steps to achieve a bigger goal) to follow through and finish.
I thought I had to have a perfect plan and do it alone.
I was hesitant to even tell anyone about these big dreams.
I thought that one day, I would magically sit down, write a best-selling book, launch a sold-out course, be fluent in Spanish, and have an organized closet by the end of the day.
Spoiler alert: that hasn’t happened yet.
Do you have similar expectations for your big goals?
Fortunately, I got a kick in the pants from the Universe to just start. More on that later…
Then COVID19 hit, and everyone around me started searching for ways to grow through this difficult time. Gyms closed down. Businesses have closed their doors. People are uncertain of what life will look like next week, next month, next year.
Suddenly, it struck me: the world needs this course now.
Back in 2018 I was a go-go-go high achiever.
My life was full.
I was a newly-married, proud dog mom
I taught yoga at a local studio
I had owned my small business for six years, where I helped people reach their health and wellness goals
I taught workshops nationwide for personal trainers through the National Academy of Sports Medicine
I presented/taught at international health/fitness seminars
I ran marathons, hiked, and worked out daily
I had an active social life
I traveled constantly
I volunteered at my husbands Air National Guard base twice a week
I created community give-back events for nonprofit organizations
I assisted a 200-hour yoga teacher training in Kenya,
I tirelessly pursued continuing education,
I was engaged in the community as a lululemon ambassador, and
I constantly said “yes” to any request for help, challenge, or commitment.
… and, as you may imagine, didn’t have much space for those long-term, “maybe someday” goals.
I was rear-ended at a stoplight and my life literally changed overnight. I’ll spare the details to keep this short(er), but due to my injuries I had to take months off of work, and still (18 months later) have not returned to my previous life.
And each day, the grief got heavier and heavier….until I got help and started practicing resilience.
I have come to terms with the reality that I may never be “who I was before” and that is okay.
Because the world needs this version of me: the woman who can help others get out of their own way, to create the lives they are excited to wake up to each morning.
People who wake up to the uncertainty of what life will bring that day.
The fear.
The anger.
The sadness.
The regret.
The denial.
Feeling lost, overwhelmed, out of control.
I’ve been in your shoes, and I’m sharing what helped me to become resilient, calm in the face of chaos, and ready for a new way to be.
The world is changing rapidly, and we need to be proactive to safeguard our health and our futures.
That’s why I created 30 Days of Mindful Movement.
And that’s why James, a new father and busy CPA, decided to try something new on April 1st. Check out what he had to say just two weeks in:
“Based on my trust of Mallory’s experience and knowledge of the human body, I decided to sign up for her 30 Days of Mindful Movement course in April.
This was completely out of my ordinary self-care routine as I don’t stretch near enough, rarely do yoga, and never do any sort of meditation. I quickly however felt comfortable with the daily activities of this course. The stretching has been on point and has happened to focus on my problem areas. The meditation and journaling have been the most surprising as both have brought about more relaxation and self-awareness than I expected.
I look forward to this course daily and recommend it to anyone.”
Countless participants of the 30 Days of Mindful Movement program have shared similar sentiments. Leanne, a celebrated dental specialist, shares openly about her hesitation to confront the discomfort of mindfulness:
“I must preface this by saying I am unapologetically your typical type A personality.
I am not adaptable to relaxation and meditation.
Simple as that. But over the last few years I have embraced and loved Mallory’s style of yoga instruction.
So I was intrigued to try her new 30 day Mindful Movement course, albeit with a hint of trepidation about the meditation.
The word itself makes me anxious.
Having said that this course could not have arrived at a more perfect time as we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic and a world filled with so much uncertainty. The stretching, the movement, the reflection and yes the meditation were exactly what I needed.
Dr. Mallory Fox has calming approach to all that she offers her clients/patients and participants. Mallory’s voice is soft and soothing and she is reassuring in her teachings.
I energetically endorse this 30 day course, it has been comforting not only for for my body and also my soul. ”
“I am not a person who slows down, who takes the time necessary to rest and rejuvenate. That gets reserved for vacations, for weekend to “get away.”
Except there is no way to “get away” right now.
After a recommendation from a friend I joined the Mindfulness program from Foxy FIT, after all – what do I have to lose? If I don’t like it – I can stop, no judgment, not pressure.
But I am getting a lot more than I thought- I am able to take some time each day to slow down, to think, to invest in me.
Highly recommend trying this- its good!”
“I came into this course not knowing much about mindfulness; it gave me a great insight and I benefitted greatly from taking the course.
The videos were very clear and the content was very educational. The exercises were very useful and I plan on using a lot of these in my everyday routine.
Dr. Mallory Fox is very educated and the course proves her dedication and passion on helping others.”
You want to reduce physical tension and become stress resilient
You know mindfulness is “good for you” and you “should” incorporate it into your daily routine…but haven’t been able to in the past
You want to learn a variety of tools to improve your every day life
You are willing to do the work to make long-lasting changes in your life
You are ready to commit to thirty days of new practices
You are committed to trusting the transformational process
You want to meet like-minded people on the same wellness path
someone looking for a quick fix or a magic answer
I am not a therapist, so this is not a support group, therapy, or replacement for mental health services. If you need support in this area, I am happy to refer you to professionals who have helped me throughout my journey. As my yoga teacher Baron Baptiste says, “Transformation doesn’t happen alone, on your couch. Transformation occurs in community.”
“Mindful movement stimulates the mind, body, and soul! This program challenges each individual to slow down and take a break from everyday life.
Program benefits include but not limited to; easy 24/7 access to course materials, community discussions to learn from others, daily journal writing that keeps the mind at ease, top of the line dynamic stretching to rejuvenate the body, and motivational quotes to peacefully take with you on your journey.
This program is essential for me personally as it allows me to be more aware of my body, breath, and focus. Regardless of your profession, Mindful Movement is perfect for you!!”
“I am so happy I joined Mallory with her 30 Day Mindful Movement Course. I look forward every day to meditation and exercise. I find the meditation very relaxing and I actually listen to it again at night before I go to bed. It is definitely helping me to go to sleep quicker and I am sleeping better. Her program is also helping with my stress level during this difficult time we are all going through.
I would highly recommend Mallory’s 30 Day Mindful Movement Course!”
Stress got you beat down?
We can help.
Thirty days of mindful movement delivered via on-demand video (10-20 mins per day)
Thirty days of meditation + mindful exercises delivered via video (2-5 mins per day)
Thirty days of guided journal prompts (5-10 mins per day)
Thirty days of Mindful Minutes to download to your phone for easy access
A private community forum to connect with others in the program
Lifetime access to the course
A quick fix
On demand: whenever it is best for you
You will receive immediate access to the course upon registration
NEW: Option to begin at any point, and go at your own pace
Delivered completely online via a private, secure website
I’ve brought together all of my education, valued at over $250,000:
doctorate of health sciences
masters of science
multiple professional certifications
personal development courses
mindfulness + yoga teacher certificates
Along with my experience of working over 30,000 hours one-on-one with clients to help them reach their goals
And, my personal experience of overcoming adversity to transform.
“The Mindful Movement course is life-changing. With Mallory’s guidance, the course helped me use mindfulness to ease anxiety and stress and tune into my environment.
Mallory helps you dig down deep into your values and, in a judgement-free way, think about your actions and how you can be your most authentic self. Each practice left me feeling more in tune with my thoughts and emotion and closer to best self.
I also loved the community of the course. By going through practice with others, I felt seen and validated and also learned from others’ insights on the group chat and Zoom calls.
No matter your goals, Mallory and the mindful movement course will help you on your journey. ”
This is the time when you need support the most.
This is when your routine is disrupted.
I’ve packed over 35 hours of content into this course, valued at over $5000. Even better, you have access to the content forever, with no additional fees.
The course will never be priced lower; I’m offering significant savings now due to COVID19.
I’m so glad you asked. Feedback is incredibly important to me, so I listened when my participants wanted MORE: more connection, more individual coaching, more growth.
I created a VIP add-on option that includes:
private, one-on-one 60-minute coaching calls (four total) to tailor the 30 day program to meet your goals
AND a fifth bonus “what’s next” call when you complete the program to create a clear, actionable plan for you to thrive
This option is valued at over $600, and I’m choosing to offer it as an add on for $299 for a limited time.
Do you desire additional support? I created the VIP add on just for you!
This package contains a weekly one-on-one, 60-minute video coaching call with me (four calls total) to add on to your 30 day program! Together we will tailor the 30 days to accelerate your progress and support you in your goals.
Limited number of VIP participants, so if you are serious then act now.
I hit the darkest point in my life shortly after my traumatic brain injury. I had become blind in my left eye, and was uncertain if I could ever return to the job I loved. I wish I had this course and this community at that point.
I knew I needed support, and so I took a big leap and invested in myself. I spent $20,000 on self-development last fall. Yep, at a time when I didn’t know if I could physically complete continuing education training, I didn’t have money coming in, I didn’t have a clear idea of how I was going to make it work….I invested in myself. I invested in a writing coach (to provide accountability and guidance in writing my book) and in an event-hosting training for facilitators.
Over the years, I have invested over $250,000 in my education and poured hundreds of hours into creating this course. The retail value of this course alone is over $5000. I’m able to offer significant savings through an online platform, because I want to help as many people as possible.
Because I had to do it on my own (and make countless mistakes while learning it the hard way), it is so important to me to provide this experience for others who are going through tough times. It is no coincidence that several of our community members have been furloughed or lost their jobs due to COVID19. They’ve shared how essential a community and healthful habits have been in this uncertain time.
“Mallory’s 30-Day Mindful Movement course is so well-rounded. The daily mindfulness, movement practice, and journal prompts only take about 30 minutes a day and always make me feel grounded. I love sharing my thoughts with the community in the course and cheering each other on to keep getting curious around what comes up. Mallory is a present leader who is always involved and available in any way we need. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to put in and get present to a clear and concise daily routine!”
“Mindful movement changed my life in the first session. It challenged me to be present in my body and present in the moment, not letting distractions take over but soaking in my surroundings. I continue to learn how to move better and feel better. Mallory does a wonderful job making sure you can do every move and make every move count.”
I’m pleased to offer some additional financial support to those who need it. If your income has been adversely affected by COVID19, please contact us to request a partial scholarship.